Our book study group returns with another book by Rachel Held Evans. This time we invite you to explore the Bible through different sets of eyes—different ways to see these age-old stories. This class will be on Sunday morning in the front half of Jeffords Hall, 10:15 -11:00 a.m., beginning September 11. The class will end Sunday, November 6.
Join leaders Janet Conrad, the Rev. Michelle Ortiz, Bob Coleman, and Tom Erdmanczyk as we explore Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans. We will bring our own stories to class and present based on our varied relationships to the Bible and invite you to bring and share your stories (if you feel comfortable doing so!)
Together we will explore this book, and our understandings, through
reading, presentation, and discussion – and, as always, we will keep you supplied with coffee and donut holes!
Rachel says: “My aim with this book is to recapture some … Bible magic, but in a way that honors the text for what it is – ancient, complicated, debated, and untidy, both universally relevant and born from a specific context and culture. … I hope to show how the Bible can be captivating and true when taken on its own terms, avoiding both strict literalism on the one hand and safe, disinterested liberalism on the other.” (pages xxi, xxii)
Books will be on sale for $10 each (cash only please!) in the mailbox hallway during the month of August! We look forward to having you join us!
Questions? Please contact the Church office.