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St. David's Children's Ministry will be Jammin' in June!

St. David's

St. David's Children and Family Ministries have a Summer planned of Worship, fellowship, and fun!

Nursery Care: While  children of all ages are welcome in our worship services, nursery care for little ones, infants - 4 years, is available from 9:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. all Summer.

Children's and Youth Ministry will be Marvelous in May and Jammin' in June and July!

Sundays, 9:30-10:15 a.m.

  • Children 5 years old through 5th grade check in and out downstairs Jeffords Hall, Grace Classroom.

  • St. David's Youth are welcome to join in and serve for this morning fun!

Stay tuned and connected! There will continue to be childcare and fun for children Infants to 5th graders during June and July!

Questions? Ideas? Please reach out to Judy Hine, Director of Children's Ministries.

We look forward to having you join us this Summer!

Worship and Children's Chapel, 10:30 a.m.: Children 5 years-5th grade attend church with their families. Children leave the sanctuary with the Chapel Team for Chapel in Jeffords Classrooms and return around the middle of the service at the Peace.

Children 4th-5th grade also serve as acolytes, and children of all ages serve as greeters and assist at the offering. St. David's Youth are valued Chapel Team volunteers! Please join in as you can this summer.


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