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Easter Music to Stir the Heart and Soul

Special music for 11:15am high mass on Easter Sunday!

Thanks to the St. David's Special Music Fund, we are pleased to present the St. David's Adult Choir who, in concert with five guest instrumentalists, will be performing at the 11:15 service. St. David’s parishioners will hear glorious sounds of an outstanding brass quartet, timpani, handbells and clergy chanting the Mass. The full adult choir will sing beloved anthems that will truly inspire and enhance your faith. This splendid festival service will begin with an instrumental prelude at 11 am and conclude with an exciting arrangement of the famed Widor Toccata, majestically arranged for organ, brass and timpani.

Information About Easter Anthems

Easter Sunday Offertory Anthem, “Joy to the Heart”, was composed for the 25th Annual Wisconsin Synod National Lutheran Choral Festival in 1992. It has since been sung around the globe by choirs of many denominations. The stirring combination of brass, organ, and timpani with dynamic voices builds to a dramatic Easter acclamation. Listen to a preview below.

Randall Thompson, American Composer
Randall Thompson

During Communion, the choir will sing Randall Thompson’s “Alleluia”. Composed over the first five days of July in 1940, it was given its world premiere on July 8 of that year at the Berkshire Music Center. “Alleluia” is an utterance of the word “hallelujah” as an expression of worship or rejoicing. The tranquil beginning mirrors the early dawn peace of the Garden Tomb when women arrived with spices to anoint Jesus’ body. It begins very softly and gradually builds to a fortissimo climax, then returns to a peaceful, profound “Amen” at the conclusion. The Adult Choir will sing this anthem acapella (unaccompanied). “Alleluia” has become composer Thompson's most popular work, and regularly opens the Tanglewood Festival, each year. Listen to a preview below:

The Special Music Fund

The Special Music Fund allows St. David's to experience not only the talent of our own choir, but also of guest musicians who bring their voices and instruments to celebrate our faith. If you would like to donate to this fund, click on the button below. You will need to specify "Special Music Fund" in the Memo Section under "Choose a Fund to Make a Gift."


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