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Books and Bibles

Children's Bibles and Devotions
(Plus Other Awesome Reading!)


Quiet time for a child and quiet time for the family is often centered around a simple shared story. Sometimes that story comes from you, from your own memories and childhood, spoken aloud to your child as they nestle in the crook of your arm. Sometimes the story comes from a trusted book, where language and illustrations capture your child’s heart and imagination. To be present with a child fully absorbed in at engaging story especially a story of love, faith, and family life is to share a sacred moment.

Sharing quiet times for reading creates a family ritual and connections. Quiet time in your home may be just before bed time (that interval after the not quiet time of homework and bath  and before sleep.) They may come early in the morning before the house is awake and before the day begins. Wherever you find it, use whatever time works for your family and read together.

Books with electronic pages work too, but the books listed here are recommended with paper pages for turning and stories for sharing.

The list below is a place to begin. Not meant to be comprehensive in any way. It may spark in you the desire to share a favorite book about faith, love, family life that your family enjoys. 


Bibles and Devotions

Picture Books


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